I have always been fascinated and drawn to gemstones and rocks of all kinds. I think most people are. For example, have you ever picked up a pebble on the beach or on a walk in the country and put it in you pocket? You are taking home a bit of the energy held the that place as well as in the inherent energy of the rock its self.
As a sensitive and psychic person I have learnt to tune into energies. All living things have energy including rocks which might seem surprising. There are a lot of books written about the energetic properties of stones. The one I like best is THE BOOK OF STONES by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian. I like this book because it is so in-depth and covers not only the geographical and chemical information of the different stones but the energetic properties.
I was taught to develop my relationship with stones by my Reiki teacher Ruth Geiger . She also works with subtle energies and makes her own healing essences made from plants and minerals. She taught me to tune into the Diva of the stone and communicate directly. Every different stone has a Diva or spirit and each is inherently different. Sounds crazy but it’s amazing what you can pick up. When I have experimented with tuning into a particular stone and recorded the results I’ve found similar information, when cross checking, to that of others. This gives me validation that I’m on the right track. Every different person will pick up slightly different information but essentially it seems there is a collective core base of qualities for each of the different stones. Maybe try this experiment yourself and see what comes up.
My direct and personal experience with the power of stones came about three years ago when I was very ill. At the time I was in a lot of pain and was eventually diagnosed with a very aggressive Lymphoma. The Lymphoma was in my stomach which causes a lot of pain. I couldn’t sleep as I couldn’t lie down because of the pain. I could only eat tiny amounts of food. I was taking the maximum amount of the strongest painkillers. Before my treatment started and for weeks before my diagnosis I was fearful and beside myself with pain and lack of sleep. I wasn’t given proper pain relief until my treatment started. For about a month or so at night I would wake up every two or three hours when the painkillers wore off. At that time in the middle of the night I would get up and walk about the house to try and take my mind off what was happening. I felt very alone and in the dead of night things can seem very dark and hopeless. I reached out and held onto a couple of stones which happened to be around the house. I felt like I was hanging onto them for dear life. Somehow they were keeping me from total despair and I was able to tap into their strength and calm. One of the stones was a large piece of flint with a hole through it and shaped like a dragons head. This I think I picked up in Dorset where my in-laws lived many years ago. The other was a perfectly shaped triangle river stone I picked up by the river on my grandparents farm years ago.
Throughout my treatment, which was six sessions of chemotherapy, I spent a lot of time on my own in the house feeling very sick. I was aware of all the stones around my house and was amazed at how many I had lying around which I hadn’t taken that much notice of before. They were like little presences around me and I didn’t feel so alone. Somehow these stones reached me like no person could or did. When one is faced with a health crisis like this you just have to "get on and deal with it". Often the people around can’t or don’t deal with it so well or have their own distorted way of communicating with you that has little to do with you and your situation and more about their stuff. The stones were constant, true and pure. Nature is the greatest healer.
It seems to me that the power of the stones lies in the subtle and gentle way that their energy effect our bodies and energy systems. By being quiet and receptive we can sense and draw the benefits from their power. The stillness and loneliness I felt at that time, when I was ill helped me take special notice and draw strength and comfort (and healing) from the stones. “I am a rock I am an island” as the song goes. I often think of the stories of mythical Atlantis and the wonderful healing caves that were said to have been used.
As a jeweller of many years I have used stones in my work at various times but not exclusively. Post illness I find myself very happy to be back to my bench. I want to work exclusively with these magical beings ‘the stones’. They are my inspiration and my passion.
Here are a few new pieces I have been working on below. You can check out my pieces on my FINE JEWELLERY page https://vickydavies.co.uk/collections/fine-jewellery